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Door to heaven long barred ; Road to grace now opened by the Holy Son– Emperor Kang Xi (????)

Jesus had compassion on them… Matt 20:34

The plea in broken life – Oh Lord! We want our sight! (Matt 20:29-34)

1. Blind in sight but don’t let your mind go blind – Are we long suffering & oppressed? Are we gloomy & loaded deep in heart? Lord , Have mercy on us!
2. Pray till you receive – Dont be bothered by the scornful eye of the world, pray until the Lord listens, pities, heals & saves us.

Scripture of the day: Matt. 20b

HK -“New Life, New Hope” Crusade – HK International Trade & Exhibition Center
9 Feb— 3:00pm Session 1 –“Be Happy!” (Enquiry: 2369 5106)

From Sister Myra TONG Man Wah, now in S. Carolina, US –
* Dear saints for His Kingdom come, Pls pray for the nation of United Stated of America –1/ they are not united at all
2/ terrible racism present …
3/the metropolitan cities like LA, NY are talking about ‘feng shui’ when purchasing new homes. Professors here spent big money to buy a Buddha statue to show how intellectual they are…..
4/ low spiritual discernment
5/ lots of conflicts in churches …pls pray for us in US !

— Myra Tong

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