Justice Embracing Peace

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Love meeting honesty, Justice embracing peace

“… the Lord needs them…”(Matt 21:3)
My two aspirations in life –
1. Be a donkey to be used by the Lord – live out the imperishable glory of our Savior (v.3)
2. Be a temple that is a house full of prayer – bear witness of the momentous deeds of God (v.13)

Scripture of the day: Matt.21a


*Bro YIP Tat Sang, one of the speakers in the “New Life, New Hope Crusade” joined us in prayer meeting with his wife . His sharing — the Lord’s coming is at hand . Be prepared to receive Him, be ready for the rapture. When the wheat is ready to be harvested, the root in the ground withers, the corn of wheat is no longer nourished by the earth. This is the time that the grower must quickly reap the harvest. Likewise, as we mature in life, it is the moment that He will come!

Let’s all be anxious about the lost souls . Give thanks to Him! Let us all fight together with Him, let us all love Him, let us all wait in readiness for that day of rapture.

* New Life, New Hope Crusade , Feb 9-10 (3pm, Day 3 & 4, CNY) HK International Trade & Exhibition Center Session 1: “Be Happy” (Enquiry: 2369 5106)

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