Harvest Great, Laborers Few!

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“Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” (Matt 22:9)

Labor toiled by forerunning saints – Feast enjoyed by believers for free today
1. Jesus’ salvation is like the wedding banquet a king prepares for his son: perfect & ready . Paul felt a heavy burden, owing the whole world the debt of gospel. Throughout the ages, Jesus’ followers labored in preaching the gospel, striving to make the banquet whole & complete.

2. We were once standing at the crossroad of life, but we are so blessed to have a portion in the banquet of God. We are also grateful to the forefathers who preached the gospel– to the extent of giving up their own lives, on the other hand, we should respond to the love of the Lord, use all our strength to bring people before the Lord!

Scripture of the day: Matt 22a

* the first two sessions of the “HK New Life, New Hope Crusade” , out of more than 4,000 attendees, a total of 257 people committed to the Lord. Bro Samuel CHING???shared over “Be Happy”, 141 echoed altar call. Yyesterday, Bro YIP Tat Sang ??? relayed to share on “Life Long Shepherd” , 116 people came forward to receive the Lord. Glory to God!

In Bro Yip’s sermon, we heard how satan steals, kills & destroys our time, our life (John 10:10); but our Lord is the Only source of blessing & peace (Psalm 23:1-3); by faith we grow in the House of God forever (Psalm 23:6; Genesis 48:15).

Son of God – down to the world, purging the sinful and wicked
Children of God – blessed in Him, leaving death and enter life

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