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For many are called, invited and summoned, but few are chosen. (Matt 22:14)

Jesus’ reply to Q&A’s – the four major answers:
1. political aspect – man should respect the chief-in-charge, even more so, to live out the image of God (v.18-22)
2. theological aspect – the mystery about ‘life’ after death is all explained in Bible – do we trust the almighty power of God? (v.23-33)
3. ethical aspect – do not be pretentious or hypocritical, as much as we love God, we should have love for man just the same (v.34-40)
4. attributes of God – recognize the true God sincerely, commit to follow Him, it is a matter of eternal life versus eternal death (v.41-46)

Scripture of the day: Matt.22b


* How to care for the many new believers ? 2 interesting books (Chinese):

1. “Must read – Testimony of world celebrities” by LIN Xian Gao, Seed Press, ?????????-???????(?????). True stories of scientists & politicians . Also testimony of Emperor Kang Xi, the will of Dr. Sun Yat Sen ???, the account of Chang Xue Liang’s ???salvation, the repentance of a Japanese commander of the Pearl Harbor bombing.

2. “118 answers to 118 doubts about the gospel” by Samuel CHING???. Precise & concise answers to questions regarding true God, savior, soul, the Bible, heaven, hell, idols etc…

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