Repentant heart, Redeeming grace!

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…until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ (Matt 23:39)

The Lord is broken hearted ! (v.37-39)

1. In the past — time after time, the Lord cared & grieved over His well beloved people in His dominion.

2. Today – isn’t our gracious Savior still full of grief & distress over our spiritual failure, desolation & indifference. (Aren’t we all so heartless!!!)

Scripture of the day: Matt.23b


*Today, by the world’s custom, is the so-called Valentine’s Day. There are different sayings about its origin, one of which is about a Christian of the very early days. He was put to jail for his involvement in protecting the martyrs. When in prison, he healed the blind daughter of the warden. On hearing this, the tyrant master ordered for him to be beheaded. In the morning of execution, he wrote a lengthy love letter to bid farewell to the daughter of the warden, signing — from your Valentine.

* fr Ellen, HK — “I was working in a flower shop on the Valentine’s Day of 2000, the eve on Feb 13 fell on the Lord’s Day. The owner gave order – all staff needed to work that Sunday morning till the next day – the Valentine’s Day. But I went to church Sunday morning . The Lord’s Table ended with the hymn “He Is Most Dear To Me”. That day we had to deal with overnight work, lot of problems … worn & torn, helpless & wordless. That was the moment I felt how true “He Is Most Dear To Me! No “lover” can understand us, except our Lord silently walking by our side. Great thanks to our Lord!” – In Him, Ellen

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