The Abundant Love

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“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son but only the Father.” (Matt 24:36)

Destiny of Mankind —- closed linked to the two comings of Christ:

1. The Birth of Christ – His 1st time – Christ was born to bring salvation!

2. The Coming of Christ – His 2nd time – Christ comes to bring judgment —- the heavenly bodies shaken, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky… they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with power & great glory … Jesus reminds us that day is near!

Scripture of the day: Matt 24a


The Southeast Asia tsunami in ‘05 hit without warning. How we need to prepare for earthly tribulations. More so, Christ’s coming is related to the longer terms blessing or suffering. Be a faithful & wise servant, to serve in the house of God (v45-47). This is the most blessed preparation!

*During the change of the China government authority in 1949, a group of brothers & sisters with the China Inland Mission stayed in China , including Marvin & Miriam Dunn. Their residence was located in the middle of the cross-fire, amidst gun shots & fear. In desperation Madam Dunn wanted to pray with the saints but could not utter a single word. Just at that moment, there were sounds of singing that inspired people’s heart … (to be continued tomorrow)

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