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“…the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants…to give them their food at the proper time…” (Mt 24:36)

The days of Lord’s Return —
1. The days of Noah (v.36-39)
2. The days when thieves come (v.40-44)
3. The days when the master returns (v.45-51)

All 3 parables highlight its suddenness, so watch out, be holy & faithful!

Scripture of the day: Mt 24 (b)


* Pray for Dixon Yip??? & his wife – Mrs. Yip went to hospital, while Bro Ip is going to preach on Sunday (he is going to preach in another 30 meetings in various places including Indonesia. He phoned me & request prayers from you all!)
“…be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints!”

*Yesterday we mentioned the story of Marvin & Miriam Dunn. In 1949 these foreign saints’ residence was located in the middle of the cross-fire. Amidst the danger some sounds of singing was heard – it was a child singing under the table, “Jesus love me that’s I know, for the Bible tell me so, all the children Lord shepherd, though I’m weak He is strong.” And everyone really lived through then peacefully.

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