Forsake all, follow Him

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For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” (Matt 25:29)

My King will come back soon – 3 parables, 3 attitudes:
1. Be prepared & have a desire to wait for His return — day & night (v.1-13)
2. Be diligent & faithful in serving the Lord — until His coming (v.14-30)
3. Be loving & helping your neighbors, welcome the Lord in joy & confidence (v.31-46)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 25:31-46 (New International Version)


* HK – Good news from Chris – Bro. Chris made a pledge before the Lord that he will bring one relative to Christ every year. This year he was able to exceed his target. In the gospel meeting yesterday, he and his wife took friends to Tuen Mun & Quarry Bay in two separate teams. Thanks to the work of the Spirit, his eldest sister & brother-in-law both went up the altar to commit to the Lord. His brother-in-law disclosed that while undergoing a surgery, he knew Jesus saved Him! Glory to God!

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