Daily “Energizer”!

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… which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. (Matt.26v.7)

Seize all opportunities to love the Lord!

1. Treasure each & every opportunity to enjoy the Lord’s presence. The ultimate essence of the gospel is in love (v.1-12)

2. Cherish every single moment of remembering the Lord with fellow saints. The whole meaning of life is in this communion. (v.26-31)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:1-25 (New International Version)


*For Thy mercy do I beg! – I earnestly ask you all to pray for my father ZHAI Yu Lin???, pray that he accepts Jesus as his personal savior. He has cancer cells found in his body. This calls for another operation. Yesterday, he trembled & breathed with difficulty. .. Let’s pray that the Lord grants him peace, faith & strength. His condition worries my mother a lot too. Also, my father-in-law suffered a stroke last month. Pls pray that our Heavenly Father gives strength to me & my husband to care for them. Thank you all for remembering us in prayer. – Sister XU Zhai Wan Yu ????, HK

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