Hide in Him!

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… This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matt26v.28)

Partaking the Lord’s Bread & Wine – Two Vows of Endless Love
1. Looking back – He did forsake Himself so to save me (v.26-27)
2. Looking up – He will soon return to receive me ! (v.28-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:26-50 (New International Version)

*God & Men in great Celebration,—- Church in HK reaped the harvest joyously in 08. A total of 5956 attended the 4 gospel meetings in Chinese New Year HK Crusade, 447 signed up in commitment to receive the Lord. Glory to God on High!

*Fr Elaine YAU – In response to the “net nude photos scandal”, 10,000 DVD on Christopher YUAN’s sharing ”Only He Can” ???????????. will be given to all . The DVD gives positive mesage to the society . visit
http://www.gnci.org.hk/payment/SND_donate_2008yuan.php — General Secretary, Goodnews Communication International (GNCI)

*Fr SY LEUNG -The Media Evangelism Limited ????– In response to the “net nude
photos scandal”, seminars “See, Don’t See” will be held. Details www.media.org.hk, Feb 22 & 24,

Pray for HK!

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