Share His sorrow!

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…”My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” (Matt. 26v.38)

Way of the Cross –not ASKING for your own salvation (v.36-56)
1.From “God’s salvation” to “God Himself” – Daniel and his two friends refused to worship the image of gold. In the end, the Son of God walked with them around the fire, unharmed…” (Daniel 3) They prayed for God’s name to be magnified rather than caring for their own well being.

2. Be willing to forsake – Jesus prayed to Abba Father three times to deliver Him from the persecution. However, He took the bitter cup. Christ chose to forsake Himself such that God’s will be done. Let’s follow our Lord in exalting God — the Most High, the Greatest, the Most Holy & the Greatest !

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:51-75 (New International Version)


*seeking the lost sheep far and wide – During the CNY Crusade, 447 people committed to the Lord, amongst whom was a lady who came from a remote district. It was a miracle that the Lord uses her ex-colleague Michelle, now living in San Francisco to mobilize her friends in Hong Kong to invite her to the Crusade. Just a few days before the gospel meeting, moved by the Holy Spirit, Michelle called her friend from San Francisco. The Lord also led Michelle to look up a couple who has returned to Hong Kong from San Francisco to contact this lady. The couple worked in one accord to invite the lady and happily she came. She heard the Lord’s calling and joyfully responded with a “Yes”.

(God is out to seek the lost ones, He sends us and in turn His other children to join in this search, no matter how winding the road!)

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