Be Prudent?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… rain came … streams rose … winds blew against that house, yet it did not fall …because it had its foundation on the rock . <7:25>

Tests in life — rain fell, floods came and winds blew :
1. Rock-founded life?v.24…25?… Tests in life pile up. Is our faith founded upon eternal foundation – Christ & His words?
2. Sand-founded life?v.26…27?… Alarms of career, relationship, family & health always strike our peaceful lives. Today

we should ask for Lord’s direction, so that we won’t “fall greatly” when crises come!

? Few days ago Michael Chang witnessed how he got hold of his life by Jesus. He said people will forget you are a good player; but they won’t forget you have influenced their lives! The speaker in response – Chan Young Man ??? said he was once a hippy and a playboy. But Jesus changed him into a good husband & a pastor , who helps uncountable one lost and hopeless!

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