Sunday Hope – Be Affectionate!

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For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. To give His life! (Mark 10: v45)

1. Jesus summarized his life by three phrases– to serve, to give His life and to be a ransom (v.35-45)
2. Jesus served all His life until He died on the cross– His death is more worthwhile than any heroes in the world — He died for sinners. His death is a death for salvation —–allows us cross over from death to life. Praise Jesus!

Scripture of the day: Mark 10:28-52 (New International Version)


* Once there was a flood in U. S.. A young man was trapped in his car. A man on the river bank came to his aid . Suddenly, water flooded in and they were washed away. The young man was rescued as his arm was roped. However, the one who tried to save him was washed away by the flood. We sometimes have to pay a high price to serve others!

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