Heals Many!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…Himself took our infirmities and bo re our diseases.

Our Lord — 10 miracles the signs of His kingship (Ch.8-9) :
1. Power of healing and saving (81-17; 9:27-34)
2. Power over the nature (8:23-27)
3. Power over death (9:18-19: 27-25)
4. Authority to vanquish demons (8:28-34 ;9:32-34)
Having Him, what do we fear for tomorrow?

* The cross eliminates hatred — A professional stunt man was once very successful, having the chance to be the substitute of various stars like Jacky Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. He moved to Vancouver & settled there, but suddenly he encountered a family crisis. In despair he determined to take revenge.One night he met a friend inviting him to dine in church. He was filled by Lord’s love and burst into tears – even before the gathering started ! Later he pledged to be Lord’s disciple and forgave his enemy. Freed from hatred, he turned a new leaf!

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