Rugged the road – Still we follow!

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…They went to … Gethsemane …! (Mark 14v.32)

Lord, willingly I follow — are we –
1. Joining the Lord in the furnace of suffering (v.27-33)
2. Accompanying the Lord through the terror of the dark (v.34-42)

Scripture of the Day: Mark 14:27-52 (New International Version)


* German scientist Heinrich HERTZ (??), famous for his discovery of electromagnetic waves, rewrote the history of world telecommunications. Broken hearted at separation with his girl friend, wasting his talent in a small town, he almost took his own life. In 1885, trapped in great despair, he prayed “Lord, you know!”After his fall, the Lord lifted him and healed him. Thereafter he devoted his life to benefit broadcasting, electronics and radio technology.
Yes, dear Lord, you know all our afflictions.

* Special Conference for working saints in HK – “From Slavery to Glory” (in Cantonese) Session 1. “Let my people go ”

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