Love Him truly, Let woe come or bliss

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Those who passed by hurled insults at him… (Mark 15:29)

Embark with gratitude, Work with modesty

1. Our savior, servant of God –We thank Thee, Lord! For us, you were mocked, nailed, insulted, forsaken and persecuted – You are the true model of being humble and willing to deny oneself! (v.16-41)

2. Faithful disciples – All who love the Lord, be him noble or humble, secret or open, when the time comes, can sacrifice all and cause notable impacts, all the time ready to testify the Lord’s amazing, reviving works! (v.42-47)

Scripture of the day: Mark 15:21-47 (New International Version)


* Gorbachev, leader of the former Soviet Union, has spent half an hour on his knees, praying at the tomb of St. Francis (of Assisi) in a recent trip to Italy. His parents and in-laws are all faithful Christians of the Orthodox Church. Gorbachev himself seems a ‘secret believer’ in following Christ in the past !

* News from Calgary, Canada “The operation on my Aunt, Sister Wendy TAM went well. Lord! We give Thee thanks! The medical report will be out in ten days. Sister Wendy now resting to recovery. Pls continue to pray for her!” – Bro. TO Kwok Ho, fr Church in Calgary

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