Prayer moves mountains, Love sees no ends!

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… “Don’t be alarmed,” …. He has risen!… (Mark 16:6)

The final command …Tell them !

1. Go tell His disciples and Peter (v.7) – Mark is the only book that records how the Lord is mindful of disloyal follower like Peter. Jesus never gives up on anyone.

2. Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation (v.15) – Surrender all if we were to serve the Lord. We are never on our own, He is always by our side, now & forever!

Scripture of the day: Mark 16:1-20 (New International Version)


*Sister KIM Gi Fook ???, (Daegu, South Korea) is a housewife. Filled with God’s love , she makes use of every opportunity in her daily living to testify for the Lord. She led about 2000 people to turn to Jesus , no matter who — neighbors, friends & relatives, children, soldiers, wealthy women, even Buddhists; no matter where — out in the streets, beauty parlors, birthday parties, meal gatherings, markets, schools, shops…. How God is using the sisters to help finishing His great work!

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