Road of Righteous! Light of Dawn!

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……was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. ( Luke 2v.40)

Perfect Growth , Founded on fear for God – a refreshing toner in modern parenting

1. Jesus as an infant was born in poor home, yet He grew up strong & sound – He did not grow up with toys, not from famous school, yet He was consecrated to the Lord, raised in a Godly home! (v.1-24)

2. Jesus as a child lived up to the will of God, fulfilled the principle of man – He is the role model to young people of all times, loving God, obedient to parents. He grew in wisdom (specifically the knowledge about God) & stature, & in favor with God and men. (v.39-52)

Scripture of the day: Luke 2:1-24 (New International Version)


* Many saints seek recommendation of reference books on Exodus. Here are two:
1. The NIV Application Commentary – Exodus, by Peter ENNS
2. Exodus, Volume I & II – LAI Chien-Kuo (???), Tian Dao Bible Commentary Series, Chinese (??????)

*Sister Bonnie (HK) completed her third session of chemotherapy. Tak Hung, her husband praised God for answering prayer with miracles – Bonnie is able to eat ! The couple is here to give thanks to saints from around the world . Let us remain watchful, praying that they can experience God abundantly.

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