God promises – Rest for those who labor!

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“Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2bv.49)

The focus and goal of Jesus’ life – mindful of the Father’s will:

1. The world living a mediocre life – set their mind only on earthly things (Phil 3:19)

2. The Lord living a glorious life – focused on the Father’s business (Luke 2:49)

And you?

Scripture of the Day: Luke 2:25-52 (New International Version)


* Good news – Last Saturday in HK, 400 youths consecrated themselves to God. Sincere in tears, they vowed to be like the Lord, saving the lost ones. They are willing to be trained & go out to all corners of all lands to search for sinners. Pls remember these new servants in prayer!

* The Lord has answered our prayer for Bro Edmond P.M. CHOI & his father – CHOI Sui Bun ???, (78 years old) He prayed & accepted the everlasting life! He is out of intensive care now! His daughter also accepted the Lord! ”Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

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