Kindling Thought, Glowing Word!

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When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left Him until an opportune time. (Luke 4:13)

Be on the alert of Satan’s attacks – lures, traps, tests! — The devil said to the Lord,

1. “…tell this stone to become bread”— to fill an empty stomach — lust of the flesh

2. “…worship me”– to gain all authority & splendor – lust of the eyes

3. “… throw yourself down from here”— to show your own power – pride in this life

Obey & trust His words, deny oueselves – this is the only means to defeat Satan! (Luke 4:2-13)

Scripture of the day: Luke 3:23-38 (New International Version)


* Letter from New Zealand — ” God is great wherever we are! I just had a very blessed weekend in Wellington. And church was amazing… choir all dressed in white, lots of singing & dancing & worshipping. Felt like I was in heaven for a while. Hope you are all well in church. Blessings” — fr Sister Eunice, Palmerston North, NZ

* Bro LEE Tak Kwun (87 years old), father of Bro LEE Yeung Shing (HK) ,passed away & entered into the rest of our Lord . Thanks to saints from all over the word for their prayer & support during his last miles. Glory to God, he was baptized together with his grandson after SARS.

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