Key of Wisdom?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… I will have mercy and not sacrifice…

Giving up? Disheartened? — Relieve?
1. Paralyzed life – One can loss everything but not their spiritual friends
– they may not be able to save you, but they can bring you to the Saviour.
2. Lord said “take heart”
– When you rebuild relationship with God, your paralyzed world is restarted!

? Rockefeller letters to his son – story of Rockefeller who founded the Standard Oil, is well known. He is a devoted Christian; and he left 38 letters for his son. On 20 July 1897 he wrote : “I cannot be your captain forever. The Lord created 2 legs for us is to let us walk on our own feet… my son, those enjoying privileges but with no power is trash; and those being educated yet without any influences to others are rubbish. Find your own way, and God will help you!”
? Ming Pao Daily of HK published the story of Michael Chang today. In his conclusion he mentioned the woman who changed his life. Worth reading.

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