God is my Portion!

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Jesus …went to the home of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her…. (Luke 4v.38)

Church , home & city — Jesus is Lord !

1. Jesus drove out the demon in the synagogue (v.33-37)
2. Jesus went to a home to heal (v.38-39)
3. Jesus was magnified everywhere (v.40-41)

Let us ask Jesus to heal our church, our family and our city!

Scripture of the day: Luke 4:31-44 (New International Version)


* My Saviour —” Jesus saved my wife , my three sons & some friends from a group of hundreds fierce monkeys when they went to Shing Mun River for a picnic. He also saved them from 2 fierce big dogs, which chased after them & wanted to attack them. Praise Him. — In the Lord, John & Jessie(HK)

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