Thy Finger – My Way!

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“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit…” (Lk 4:14)

Be an audience or a blessed?

1. In a famine – a Gentile widow was saved because of her fear of God (v.24-26)

2. Suffering from leprosy – a Gentile general was healed because of his humble obedience (v.27-29). Do we just enjoying hearing God’s words? Are we really aware that we are the poor, prisoners, blinds, oppressed, shameful… that we repent sincerely & seek God humbly? (v.18-19)

Scripture of the day: Luke 4:1-30 (New International Version)


* Pls pray for Bro C. K. Kok ??? in HK – our brother has served the Lord for years, now he needs an urgent liver transplant . (must be of blood type O) Pls pray for our brother . – K. F. Chan ???(HK)

* Bro James Chu’s sermons — “From Exhaustion to Jubilation”, click the follow link – “From Exhaustion to Jubilation

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