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“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20)

In Poverty , our trust only on Him :

1. The poor loves the Lord more so than the rich – A poor widow gave her all to God, even Jesus was touched (Mark 12:41-44)

2. Love turns the poor become rich at heart – Paul was touched by the grace of Macedonian churches. In extreme poverty, they were overflowing with joy & rich generosity. (II Corinthians 8:1-5)

Poverty leads us to rely solely on God. It takes a great sage to be a steward of God’s money – God’s money on hand , using the world as not using it to the full; acquire possessions as not owning it.

Scripture of the Day: Luke 6:1-26 (New International Version)


* ???Michael CHENG’s ‘s mother, FONG Po Chun ??? – memorial service 4/11 ,7:30pm (??) Bro LUNG Fai Cheung???, funeral – 4/ 12 , 6:30pm, (??) . LAM Siu Chor ???, funeral / gospel meeting 4/ 12 – 2pm, (??). Pray for the salvation for these 3 families!

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