Words that Heal!

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… asking Him to come and heal his servant (Luke 7v.3) … I have not found such great faith… (Luke 7v.9)

He never turned anyone away — (Luke 7:1-9)

1. Character so noble (v.1-3) –Asking the Lord to save the life of a slaves! What a compassion!

2. Faith so great (v.6-10) – Only one thing that can move the hand of the Lord of

heaven & earth – by your faith ! Rise & pray in faith for the lost souls nearby!

Scripture of the day: Luke 7:1-23 (New International Version)


* Pray for my dear ones in Shanghai – “My niece Po Kee is still a non believer, her husband a Frenchman working in Shanghai. Po Kee is now pregnant, expecting, a pair of twins. At a relatively old age, she fears the threat of miscarriage… I have asked fellow saints in Shanghai to visit her.Pls pray for the couple – to turn to Jesus in tough times , & babies be born in healthy birth – C.F. Frankie (HK) … now is the day of salvation. (II Corinthians 6:2)

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