Love heals!

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…”Follow me,” … (Luke 5v.27)

No regret in Jesus, having Him is having all! – The 4 amazing works of love towards us:

1. from disappointed to catch-full (v.1-11)
2. from sick to healed (v.12-16)
3. from sinful to pardoned (v.17-26)
4. from old to new (v.27-39)

Scripture of the day: Luke 5:27-39 (New International Version)


* Robert HOOKE, the scientist who discovered the law of elasticity shared his story. One night, a rat came to eat his cheese & Robert saw some fleas on the rat. Under the microscope he was amazed at the beauty & artistic arrangement in the hair of fleas. He dared not oppose God anymore & totally submitted to Christ! He once encouraged Isaac NEWTON, saying — The inspiration to invent is like the temperament of the Holy Spirit, not a trace that you can follow. It’s only once in a while that scientists can grasp the intent of the Almighty Creator. All my works & inventions are results of my being touched by God!

*Bro S.M. CHU ??? (Father) & K. W. CHU King Wah??? (Son) left for Indonesia . Will visit churches founded by former missionaries such as Dr. R.A. Jaffray (???). their trip covers Surabaya , Jakarta , Makassar , & Samarinda in the mountain areas of Borneo. Also visit saints in ???, the church shepherded by their grandfather – Rev.CHOE Sing Huen (???). Pls remember them in prayer , fortifying the churches that they visit.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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