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“When the Lord saw her (the widow), his heart went out to her…”( Lk 7v.13)

2 miracles of love – mercy on poor & rich:

1. Our Lord never looks down on petty slave of the centurion. (v.1-10)
2. Our Lord helps the only son of a widow, & more precious friends around us. (v.11-17)

He hears ,He saves!

Scripture of the day: Luke 7:24-50 (New International Version)


* The book “A Prodigal’s Song”(???) inspired Chinese intellects, with 700,000 copies printed . The writer Li Ching??, now a fulltime servant, was once an atheist. He will come from U.S. & share the gospel in HK – April, pls pray for thousands of students & teachers in universities of HK! –reported by Kelvin (HK)

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