Listen to His Voice!

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… sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. (Luke 10:39)

The Three Enlightenments — Welcoming Jesus as a genuine disciple

1. ACT – good Samaritan lived out practiced His biggest command of Love (Luke 10:27)

2. LISTEN – Mary listened to what the Lord said, leading her onto the path of discipleship (Luke 10:39, ref: Luke 6:47, 8:11, 8:21, 11:28)

3. PRAY – in fellowship with Abba, let ‘s prayer & supplication fill us with the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:1-13)

‘The better part’ is to – Fix our eyes on our VIP , on Him & Him alone, devote our heart to His holy words, His & His alone – His presence is God’s kingdom come.

Scripture of the day: Luke 10:21-42 (New International Version)


* The “Memoirs of the Life & Labours of Robert MORRISON, Full Volume”???????(??)? is a collection of first-hand material . Candid accounts of Morrison’s experience in serving Christ , letters to churches, family & society. ( by his widow Eliza Armstrong MORRISON) Inspiring !

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