Lord, give me strength to press on!

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…But I will show you whom you should fear… Luke 12:5a

For 2 reasons, plot your life on a new position:

1. In terror of life & death, recognize God’s power & understand His attribute (12:1-34) – God is Almighty! He is awe-inspiring! He has power to cast one into hell!

2. Knowing God’s plan of this age (12:35-13:9) – Trust that God provides — serve with faith in His house ! He will soon return!

No matter how fearsome our God, we are of great worth in His sight! (12:7)

Scripture of the Day: Luke 12:1-31 (New International Version)


*Bros CHU Siu Ming ??? (Father) & Joseph, King Wah??? (Son) visited Indonesia & returned with good news. Before WWII, more than 30 Chinese missionaries labored for the gospel in Vietnam , Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines & Singapore .They worked in the midst of abuse, burnings, killings & anti Chinese riots… they conveyed profound impact for these countries . (In the past 40 years, great revivals in Indonesian churches, Christians multiplied ten-fold – from 1.3 to 11.5 million!)

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