Key of Success ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Freely you have received, freely give (v.8)

The King’s Law of success (1)?
1. Selecting talents?v.1? …The Lord’s blueprint of conquering the world is to select those willing to learn , & turning them from followers into leaders.
2. Building the team?v.2…15?…Only Lord’s command put people together. Starts from today; find a few ordinary ones, envision them, transforming them into great people!

?Countdown :13 days – Chinese Lunar New – “New Life, New Hope Crusade” in HK , 6,500 seats available in 3 days/ 4 meetingsf, details click Prayers support needed!
? John Livingstone served in Africa. Once he preached at Kirk of Shotts, he prayed and fellowship about the Lord with friends for the whole night before it. On the next day 500 accepted Jesus !

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