On the cross!

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“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,…” (Luke 16:10)

True wisdom does not lie in what we possess; it rests with how much we provide (v.1-13)

1. None of our economy on earth belongs to us for real – we are no more than short-term stewards.

2. Compared to eternity, all worldly things are trivial – let’s all be trustworthy with the ‘very little’, paving our way to eternity.

Scripture of the day: Luke 16:18-31 (New International Version)


* Gospel – , May (18, 25, 31) Church in HK — gospel meetings – 10 district halls. Pray for the Kingdom move!

* The Worth of Life, The Cause of Salvation – Sermon of 27/4 , Special Conference “The Revelation of Building the Church” (Session 1 of 2), Cantonese:

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