Meaning of Life, Cause of Salvation!

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…we have only done our duty.’ (Luke 17:10)

Disciples of the Lord — Duties of Life
1. Dutiful & Faithful (v.1-10) – be wise & kind, forgiving & faithful… these are our dues, not our boasts
2. Grateful& Respectful (v.11-19) – many a time God delivers us from hopelessness & helplessness, but heartlessly, we flee, we forget

Scripture of the day: Luke 17:1-19 (New International Version)


* Dear Saints, Sis. Bonnie ( a new believer) just finished her fifth session of chemotherapy. We thank you for your prayer. Bonnie in good shape , ready to be discharged from hospital.– In Christ, Iris (HK)

* The Worth of Life, The Cause of Salvation – Sermon of 27/4, Special Conference “The Revelation of
Building the Church” (Session 2) / Cantonese

* Bro KC KWOK (???/HK), long time servant of Christ , is in need for liver transplant. Praise the Lord! Two saints ready to donate a liver. Will take place on May 5 if medical screening OK . Pls remember the saints in your prayer.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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