Him Alone!

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Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left. (Luke 17:36, NKJV)

What a sight! What a sigh! – God’s Strictest Scrutiny (v.20-27)

1. the strictest scrutiny – God destroyed both sinful cities of Sodom & Gomorrah , Jesus emphasized the lesson of Lot’s wife -away from the city physically, her heart lingered over the joy in sin.

2. judgment begins at the house of God – The ones left behind are like Lot’s wife – those taken are the ones willing to lose thier own souls.

Are we drifting with the world or God -fearing?
Are we willing to deal with all our impurity in our emotions, our mind & our thoughts?
Do we choose to dwell in the Lord & walk in His presence ?

Scripture of the day: Luke 17:20-37 (New International Version)


*Ark Channel encountered IT problems yesterday. Pls note that Ark Channel will not send mail with attachments except JPEG files to those saints whose computer cannot handle Chinese. Pls remember our service in your holy prayers. Pray that we have strength, no matter how little, to serve in God’s house – to supply timely, to support the needy.

— Sam Kong and fellow servants of the Ark.

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