Victory Over All

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For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost (left in the wrong place).” (Luke 19:10)

Headline: Zacchaeus —- the tax commissioner repented & mended his evil way

1. Do we strive our utmost effort to seek the Lord today, like any other day?
Don”t give up! Seek until you see Him! (v.1-4)

2. Do we know that the Lord is here with us this week, like any other week?
Look to Jesus! He is looking on you too! (v.5-6)

Scripture of the day: Luke 19:1-27 (New International Version)


*Famous pastor, Rev. Paul SHEN (???), once served the Lord with His great love in Yun Nan. One time in the midst of great difficulties, he prayed to the Lord for 10 yuans, the Lord responded & provided. Testimony in audio (Mandarin & Cantonese) and text (Chinese):

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