Living In Readiness!

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… “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace… (Luke 19:42)

The three big desires sealed in Jesus’ heart

1. Jesus is Savior, seeking the lost ones (v.1-10) – Acquaint with Him sincerely! Who would linger over the old being any more?

2. Jesus is Master of (v.11-27) – All are equal: given one life, one talent. Why lay it away?

3. Jesus is King, blessing with peace (v.18-48) –He sees through our past, our heart & our future. Is our stubborn heart causing Him to worry & grieve over our ending?

Scripture of the day: Luke 19:28-48 (New International Version)


*I am now reading The Mind of the Master by Robert E. COLEMAN, a God fearing servant, exploring the inner mind of the Master from six aspects: His source of life, His expression through prayers, His word of authority , His insight in the gospel, His way of the cross, His heavenly vision . How do we echo He views? Who does grieve what He grieves? Led by the glory of God , in writing this book , COLEMAN offer himself to serve God again & again.

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