Possible with God!

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“I tell you the truth, no one who has left…for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.” (Lk 18 v.29-30)

Where to find Eternal Life – 2 judgment of Jesus:

1. You still lack one thing –power or wealth are just entrusted to you temporarily. You can’t own them, nor use them to gain eternal life!

2. Then come, follow me – Our Lord is God, He is eternal life ! Pay any cost to know Him & gain Him!

Scripture of the day: Luke 18:1-23 (New International Version)


* Bro C. K. Kok’s ???(HK) liver transplant – among the 2 donaters the younger one fail to pass evaluation process. Another one, sister Lam from my church, will take the test soon. Pls pray for both Kok & Lam.
— Bro.KF Chan

* Sister T. Y. Chu??? who had moved to France was back to Europe after reunion with saints in HK. Also, May Cheng who had just believed in Jesus in HK , was back to Sydney.

May the Lord guide their ways to testify His name wherever they go.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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