Be Always on the Watch!

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… but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:4b)

In the end time – Precarious is the world, Devoted is my heart :

1. Let’s be that poor widow — to sacrifice our all for the Lord!
The two very small copper coins may not earn the praise of the world, but surely they touch the deepest in the heart of our Lord! (v.1-4)

2. Let’s be watchful & prayerful to sustain along the path of perils!
It’s to our heart’s content to sustain till His return , & be able to stand before the Son of Man! (v.5-38)

Scripture of the day: Luke 21:1-19 (New International Version)


*Pray for Myanmar — Pray for the door of gospel to be open , & lives be saved — Casualties in the cyclone were 22500 deaths & 41000 missing. Estimates victims total 24 million (nearly half of it’s population . For the past 30 years, Christians in Myanmar suffered alienation. Praise the Lord for sending missionaries like Adoniram JUDSON to build up churches in this poor nation. We see revival in recent years, especially among the minority races, total of Christians in Myanmar now over 3 million!

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