What’s God’s Is God’s!

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… give to … God what is God’s.” (Luke 20:25)

To Him I surrender all! (v.19-26)

1. The ultimate goal in politics is justice –

Let’s do our dues to our rulers, even more so, we should do our dues to our God.

2. We bear in us the image of God –

God created us, Jesus redeemed us . For sure we should surrender our life & our all in all to our God.

Scripture of the day: Luke 20:1-22 (New International Version)


*Directory of Faith – Political situation in China changed drastically after WWII, saints of the CIM, China Inland Mission??? were forced to withdraw from the country. In 1951, still 627 missionaries scattering all over China , each in tough & rough conditions in their own ways. In a historic name list preserved, it logged that only 8 stayed in China as of 1952, 5 in Jan. 1953, 2 left on Mar 24, 1953.

July 20, 1953, the last 2 brothers – Bro. Mathews,R. Arthur & Clarke , Rupert (??? & ??? )arrived HK safely ! One hour later, wires were received around the world, announcing the accomplishment of CIM’s mission in history. (P.209 of “China: The Reluctant Exodus”?????????touching account & photos of these 2 brothers at the border of HK.

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