Key of Loyalty?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…and he who has lost his life for My sake sha ll find it. <10:39>

Freely received, freely give — the King’s law of success?2??
1. Without fear ?v.26…31?– Carry out God’s will , & God will treasure you. Encyclopedia said there are 100,000 strands of hair on average man. But every one of them are numbered by our Father!
2. Sacrificing & choice ?v.32…42?– The most dynamic life is the one which depart from our comfort zone and live for a mission more than life !

* Voice of Cambodia (1) —- Esther , Steve ? Candy came back from Cambodia to HK, bringing good news: “The church there held a gospel meeting in the cultural theatre – 600 seats. Holding a gospel meeting in Buddhist country is never an easy thing, and they only got the permit a few days before the meeting. The pastor spoke in the meeting, Pastor Lee, runs schools, orphanages & missionary groups. He helped those street children, and the children mudlarks, bringing good news to the poor. The meeting was full, during altar call, all attendants believed in Jesus! The scene was shocking!” ( Metropolis Daily 19/1 , reported the miserable fate of Cambodian children in details )

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