Be Brave!

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“As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.” (Lk 24:15)

With God things don’t just happen – stranger on the way:
1. Jesus said – peace be with you (v.36) – Do we want to be freed from fear, worries & hatred?

2. Jesus lifted up his hands – blessed us (v.50) – After much twists & turns, the resurrected Lord left His love, presence, mission & power. Life is promising tomoroow ( Luke next wrote Acts of the Apostles that gain whole world)!

Scripture of the day: Luke 24:28-53 (New International Version)


* “My father is now 70, has been rejecting Jesus God. Late in last year he got a stroke in mainland China, fallling on floor with no one besides him. After 30+ hours without food & water ,he was saved miraculously. God still loves him, giving him a second chance ! He will come to gospel meeting , pls pray for his soul!” –Angela & Kam Man (HK)

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