Always with You

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…Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men. (John 2v.24)

When wine was gone, water turned to wine – The End of Man is the Beginning for God:
1. The first of Jesus’ miraculous signs (v.1-3) – fine wine in life can be gone any moment , but His divine life & presence is our hope !

2. Who will cherish what is held in hand (v.4-12) – in all helplessness, why not confide with the Lord of heaven & earth — He is right here by your side!

*The earthquake in San Francisco, 1989, rocked 300 thousand people in as short as 4 minutes. A father forgot not his commitment to his son — No matter what happens, I’m always here for you! With hope, he dug the rubble of the school for 38 hours, uncovering his 7 years old son .His son asked him to first rescue his 14 school mates, knowing for sure that his father will be with him & he was not afraid. (excerpt from a Primary 3 text book) “ Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Heb 13:5)

Scripture of the Day: John 2 (New International Version)


* Nation in pain, unceasingly we pray –Rescue operation in Sichuan is dangerous, causing many
deaths in line of duty. Ark Channel proposes all to pray 3 times a day this week to fully cover each of the
13 quake hit cities & counties.
Refer to wikipedia.

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