His Love Unending

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Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life… (John 3:36)

Born again — Enjoy the three blessings of :

1. His life is a life that immortal & sanctified

2. His life is full of strength, holiness, peace, joy, kindness & love

3. His life overcoming death , full of glory & hope unto eternity !

Praise the Lord!

Scripture of the day: John 3:19-36 (New International Version)


* Touching photo — “The Daily Telegraph” captures a man who lost his wife in earthquake. He tied the dead body of his wife close to him, riding on motorbike –to bring her to the morgue. It is his way of paying his respect to his dear wife. Many left words on web –“Your wife made the right choice to marry you!”; “It’s been long since I wept, this photo brings tears to my eyes. What a good man, truly so!
”Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love?… Shall suffering .. or calamity and distress.?… (Rom 8:35)

* The story about father saving his son took place in the earthquake of San Francisco , 1989.
– fr Bro P.K. FOK, San Francisco

Earthquake in China 51,000 +.died Let us pray & move the saving hand of God Almighty!
Be.. patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

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