Grace, Mercy & Peace

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whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst (John 4v.14)

Life so perplexing & heart breaking – we need living water!

1. What are we seeking in this barren & exhausting world? (v.1-18)
2. Let the Lord of truth awaken our conscience!

Let Holy Word & Spirit come in to be our satisfaction! (v.19-30)

Scripture of the Day: John 4:1-30 (New International Version)


* HK – church 4 gospel meetings 5-25/26 (Sun) (Enq. 23695106); Bro Stephen. TONG ??? – 4 sessions / Hung Hom Coliseum, 5- 24-25 (Enquiry In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead… I give you this charge: Preach the Word (II Tim 4:1-2)

* “2008 is a year of change. Leaders change hands: China, Taiwan, HK, US elections…II Tim reminds us to pray for all men & those in authority…(Ark Channel notes: also for natural catastrophes over the world!)… Only Christ can save. Stay close to world events. Pray for the non believers in Myanmar! “– In the Lord, Sister Ellen (youth leader in HK)

* Let’s pray for rescue efforts in Sichuan earthquake (51,151 died); & Myanmar cyclone (78,000 died).

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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