Blazing Furnace Refines the Gold

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I do not accept praise from men, (John 5:41)

Jesus our Life, our Glory!
1. Live our life to come only to Him to have life — eternal life that only the Savior can give (v.39-40)
2. Live our life to seek glory from God — not any praise from men (v.41)

Scripture of the day: John 5:30-47 (New International Version)


*Angela CHAN (HK), sought prayer support last week for her father. Last week her father & sister all turned to Jesus ! Uncle CHAN testified how Jesus saved him out of the stroke attack after 30+ hours of helplessness in bathroom. It was amazing grace ! –Angela thanks all your prayers.

*A Qiao (??) a sister from HK – married into the remote mountain area in China & spreading the gospel new new home . Her baby is due for delivery soon . Let us all pray for the health of both mother & child.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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