Restore me!

Peter 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
… returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. <2:25>
..he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. <2:23>

Adversity does not mean hopelessness. Be submissive and you will see the blessing from above:
1. For the Lord’s sake, submit yourselves to the law, authority and to governors. (v.13-17)
2. Be conscious of God, bear up under the pain of suffering in your working place. (v.18-25)
In 1 Peter, the word ‘ submit’ is mentioned 7 times (2:13,18; 3:1,5,22; 5:5). For Peter & us, who used to go where we wanted (John 21:18), are now willing to suffer on earth in order to let people come to the Lord!

*A sister runs her business in Germany. She went back to HK and was invited to watch a gospel movie : “Love never fails” (A movie star Chan Shing Guan ??? gave up his career & follow the Lord. His wife took very good care of him when he got cancer). She was moved & started to seek for Christ. Now she is enthusiastic in spreading gospel, sacrifices to start missionary work in market place , helps church outreaching ministry– death was at work in Shing Guan, but life is at work in many people!

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