Light up my Life!

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…. “I am the light of the world. …(John 8:12)

As the day dawning, The Lord proclaimed: “I am the light of the world”
1. He is from above, not of this world. (v.23)
2. He hears from God who sent Him & knows the will divine (v.26)
3. He is Son of God, here to liberate the world (v.38)
4. He is not guilty of sin (v.46), He is “I AM”. (v.58)

Lord, we believe in Thee, we worship Thee & we love Thee!

Scripture of the day: John 8:31-59 (New International Version)


* A feast of gospel sharing, 15 tables altogether, was held in a restaurant last night in Shatin. After preaching Christ, the Savior, we led all gospel friends to pray to Jesus. In the interval before eating, a waiter came up, earnestly asking, “How can I become a believer in Christ? I very much want to give it a try!” There were at least three truth seekers as such among the waiters. God so loves the world, let’s labour harder to share His great love with more, Amen! — Sam KONG (HK)

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