Quench My Thirst!

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By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him? ( John 7:39)

Where the joy ends ? — the Holy Spirit springs to relieve all!

1. The Lord has His timing (v.1-10) — Be still & wait for the Lord .

2. Seek Him while you can (v.11-36) — Life is like the Feast of Tabernacles, a mere seven days. At the prime of success & enjoyment, take heed to the Spirit’s calling in our inner heart!

3. Come in joy to draw water from spring of grace? (v.37-52) — the Feast ending, life squandering! But the rock that was struck — Christ Himself, can fill us with the Holy Spirit, quenching the thirst of whole world!

Scripture of the day: John 7:1-29 (New International Version)

*HK harvest — 10 gospel meetings of the past 2 weeks—- 289 accepted Christ, (149 young people ). Last session of gospel meeting by Bro Stephen TONG, 200 received the Lord. Let’s all pray for the lambs.

* Bro Samuel OON ( Toronto ) – We still have several copies of the Chinese edition of “Mind of the Master.” by Robert E. Coleman— Saints in Canada may email us at seedmarkham@rogers.com (Seed Bookroom ).

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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