Hope rekindled!

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As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me…. (John 9:4)

Shattered life entrust to the Master of Life!

1. Living in darkness? — Verily, men live in slavery to sin & death. But worry not! The Lord returns to forgive & heal, not to judge & punish. (v.1)

2. Living in regret? — Our past was rotten & faulty, pathetic & hateful. Just trust all to God! It is in the blindness of men that His life sheds light far & wide. (v.8)

Scripture of the day: John 9:13-41 (New International Version)


* Rescue & reconstruction difficult after the China earthquake. Chairman of YMCA, HK, Jack YOUNG, devoted & experienced in rescue work, shared that healing of heart is even more demanding in the long run. We recommend a CD — “Words that Quake & Awake” (????) , produced by Goodnews Communication International ), aimed at comforting the panicked & healing the painful. May our God bless HIs words. – (Putonghua/Cantonese. Free distribution – tel : 852-24091233 (HK).

* Must see – http://www.gnci.org.hk/beta/city/Szechwan/index.php, prayer edition & episodes of churches in the quake hit areas.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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