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“…this sickness. for God’s glory… I am going there to wake him up!” (Jn 11 v.4, 11)

God’s Son “may be glorified” – in men’s weakness, hopelessness & death–

1. “Glory” isn’t gaining popular support – it is God coming to us & living with us (Jn 1:14)
2. “Glory” isn’t expressing supernatural power – it is sacrificing for one’s beloved (Jn 7:39 ;12:23)

The miracles on Lazarus directly caused Jesus’death , & this glorified God’s Son! (11:53)


* Good news – “I brought a youngster to the Lord when traveling in Nanjing , praise the Lord!”—- from A friend in business trip , China

* Pray for saints everywhere – Elsa, a cancer patient, came to my family cell group 2 years ago. After 2 years , she believed in Jesus last week! Hope that she can enjoy God’s blessing & grace in her remaining days ! Also , a 13 boy Kevin from church in Sydney , was sent to ICU recently (maybe tvirus has attacked his heart — his heart’s function only 10% left.) Last week Bro M. C. Chan (Philip) requested b/s to pray for Kelvin, everyone shed tears when hearing the news! Let’s pray for churches — to bring divine blessings for all saints. The grace of our Lord always abundant! – fr. Mrs. Lui (HK)

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