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“…do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid!” (Jn 14 v. 27)

The greatest proclamation (v.6) :
1.The Lord is the way – leading our way by Himself in all situations!
2. The Lord is the truth – only He can live out the whole truth !
3. The Lord is the life – only His presence can make life real & meaningful!

Scripture of the day: John 14:15-31 (New International Version)


* A sister was asked by her boss to prepare a document, but she found the contents incorrect. Her spirit was unrest, after praying , she asked her boss whether the documents were telling the truth, yet her boss didn’t answered! After prsying with another sister with all her hearts , she risked & told her hot-tempered boss that she , as a Christian could not tell lies! To her surprise the boss didn’t showed his temper & handled the document himself. Jesus is Lord!

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